Monday, December 31, 2007

The Best Of St. Bellarmine Blog - 2007

Here it is!

What You Have Been Waiting For.

The Year In Review For St. Robert Bellarmine Blog.

OK, here's how it works. I will pick a category like Family Funny and give you the best of the best.

The Best Bellarmine Blog Picture.
Winner: A Miraculous Catholic Picture? Is it? You be the judge.

The Best Family Pictures.

Winner: While At the Hospital! It was a toss up. It was either the Christmas picture or the hospital one.

Happy New Year

St. Robert Bellarmine Pic, St. Bellarmine Picture

Happy New Year from this
Bellarmine Blog Family to yours!

St. Robert Bellarmine, Patron of Catechist. Pray for us this new year.

Your Sunday Catholic Homily

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily

My Dear People,

The first Holy Day of the new year is Mary, the Mother of God, which we celebrate on January 1st. While many people are overcoming their hangovers and bouts of indulgence sleeping in bed, faithful Catholics are in Church giving thanks to God for the many graces Our Lady bestows upon us and our families. Without Mary's intercession, we would soon get lost in the "over indulgence" of this world.

It is so easy to get lost in our sin. The world encourages sin on every level. Sin is popular. Sin is easy. Sin is everywhere. It takes a well disciplined soldier of Christ, to overcome the "tsunami of sin" in our world. This New Year's Day, instead of skipping another Holy Day Mass, come give thanks to God for giving us such an "awesome Heavenly Mother". Join us at God's Holy Altar. Come let us worship Him together and give Him thanks.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark Your Sunday Catholic Homily

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saint Louis Catholic of the Year 2007 - Archbishop Burke

To ease the Archbishop's pain, I thought that I would announce that the Saint Louis Catholic Blog has selected him, The Most Reverend Raymond Leo Burke, Archbishop of Saint Louis, to receive the prestigious title of "Saint Louis Catholic of the Year" for 2007.

It is a little early to make the announcement, but really, who else could it be? After the year he's had, the Archbishop certainly deserves the prize. A brief recap:

  • He resigned from the Cardinal Glennon Board to protest their unholy alliance with Sheryl Crow
  • His Board of Catholic Education pressured St. Joseph's Academy to disinvite pro-abortion commencement speaker Claire McCaskill
  • He allowed the celebration in the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis of the first Traditional Latin Masses in over 35 years, including the glorious traditional ordinations for the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest (and all before the Motu Proprio was published)
  • He published a series of columns on the Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis
  • He appointed Fr. Lenhardt of the ICRSP to oversee the faithful implementation of Summorum Pontificum in the Archdiocese, and also directed that the Seminary teach the Extraordinary Form as part of its regular formation of priests
  • He acted to enforce the restrictive covenant in the Ivory Theatre/St. Boniface case
  • He acted to address the inadequacies and heterodox elements of the Barat Academy theology curriculum
  • He published an important article in the Periodica de Re Canonica affirming that canon law mandates the refusal of Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians
  • He defended Catholic doctrine and acted strongly to impose penalties during the schismatic, "womenpriest" pretend ordinations

All in all, not a bad year--
Congratulations, Your Grace
Saint Louis Catholic: Saint Louis Catholic of the Year 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Blogging Blessings

Therese, The Aussie Coffee Shop, gave me a blogging blessing a while ago. Now it is my turn to do the same.

You can go here to read about the blogging blessings that were started by Deb at Ukok.

The idea… it’s a game of tag with a difference, rather than looking inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for a blog friend. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to. If you recieve a bloggin’ blessin’ please leave a comment on this thread here so that we can rejoice in just how many blessings have been sent around the world!

I want to bless the following bloggers:

Joseph Fromm - Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit I chose Joseph because of his ability not to attack the Jesuit order. Not easy for an orthodox Jesuit Companion. Well done Joseph.
Bob Catholic - Doing Theology with Bob Catholic He is a fellow Latin lover.
Rob Kaiser - Catholic Dads Great site working with Catholic Men Fellowship.

My Son Head Butts Jesus . . .

We have a family custom in our little house hold.

After we say our bedtime prayers we give Jesus and Mary kisses from our wall portraits. This is where the head butts come in.

John Paul (1) gives Jesus and Mary head butts instead of a kissing them. Just so you know he does not have any malice in his heart. He generally smiles or laughs at Jesus and Mary.

What do you think?

What customs do you have that the little ones adjusted in some childlike manner?

Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Fourth Sunday of Advent

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Fourth Sunday of Advent

My Dear People,

The Peace Of Bethlehem
Comes Through Our Lady

Each Christmas we are one step closer to the final return of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Every generation longs for the reign of Christ Our King. As we view Jesus in the Manger this Christmas, we know that He will have final authority over all powers and principalities. Why the humble beginning? Why the Staple? Why 2000 years ago and not now? Only God knows the answers to those questions.

What we do know, is that we benefit from this tremendous work of our salvation. Like the Blessed Mother, when we treasure all of the mysteries of our life, and place them within the deposit of Her Immaculate Heart...all is well. Just as Jesus rests peacefully within the care of His Mother, so to do we rest in Her Maternal Presence. This Christmas, spend some time before the Manger. Offer your whole life to Our Lady, and come to know the true peace of Bethlehem.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Family Funny - Mayonnaise From Heaven?

Anne Marie (5) is at the why stage. She could know the answer, but she would still ask why. For example . . .
"Dad, why is the snow melting?"

Of course, I have answered this about five times already. Then there are the more serious ones like today's:

"Dad, why do people go hungry?"

Oh, great! How do I answer this? Then, before an answer came to my head, she fires off two more questions.

"Why were the Israelites hungry in the desert? Why did God give them mayonnaise?"

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas From The Bellarmine Family Blog

Ferdinand Roccanti paintings, Ferdinand Roccanti
May the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him,
so that your may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Painting by Ferdinand Roccanti

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas Family Pictures

Merry Christmas Everyone

Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Third Sunday of Advent

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Third Sunday of Advent

My Dear People,

Eucharistic Adoration Invitation

"Guadete Sunday" or "rejoice" Sunday, is a signal that the time of the Incarnation is near at hand. Christmas is around the corner. In anticipation of the triumphant return of Our Lord, we begin to rejoice now, as we celebrate His birth as the God-man. "Our God come to save us!" Emmanuel is a name that means, "God is with His people."

Indeed, He is in every tabernacle, in every Catholic Church waiting for us. We have all kinds of excuses why we cannot visit Jesus, present in our "Eucharistic Chapel". Give up your "excuses" and make your resolution to frequent the chapel this New Year. Thirty minutes of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament grants us a "plenary indulgence". It may not seem like much of a gift to you right now, but when you and I are purgatory suffering, we will wish that we had made the time. Bless yourself NOW and in the FUTURE, make a visit to Jesus often in an Adoration Chapel.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Third Sunday of Advent

What else does Father Mark have with his Catholic Homily Minute?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Family Litany

When you pray, do you include a Family Litany at the end?

We do. And the kids love it.

So, lets learn how to develop a Family Litany, shall we?

  1. What is it? A litany, in Christian worship, is a form of prayer used in church services, processions and public and private devotions and consisting of a number of petitions. The word comes from the Latin litania, from the Greek λιτή (litê), meaning "prayer" or "supplication". Get your Litany History Here.
  2. What do you mean by family? This will be a private devotional prayer for the purpose of personalizing a rich prayer tradition. It will be created by the family and include the families favorite saints, especially those Saints that have a name in common with a family member.
  3. When is the best time to do it? At the end of family prayers, especially the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
  4. How do you create the beginning of the Family Litany? Cheat. Use what is already available. Does that make sense? We use the beginning and ending of the litany that the Companions of the Intercessors of the Lamb have created.
  5. Can I put Saint in front of my child's name since they don't a Saints name. No, No and No. This degrades the proper honor due to a canonized Saint. Instead, adopt one.
  6. Do you have an example? Yes, I will create one for you. Dawn, Water Into Wine Blog, asked me to explain what a Family Litany is, so I will use her family as an example.
  7. Can we add all our Saints together before we respond with the pray for us. Yes we do. Our list is getting long.
Here is Dawn's family. Wife to Matt, mom to Mary Beth (age 8), Anna (age 5), Lucia (age 3), and Clara (born 11/24/06)

V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.

V. God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. We skip the first part and start here.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Mother of the Church, pray for us.

St. Peter, pray for us. This line would be a family saint(s)
St. Matthew, pray for us. Dad
Mourning Star, pray for us. Mom
St. Elizabeth, pray for us. Mary Beth, you could add another line to include her first name
St. Anne, pray for us. Anna
St. Lucy, pray for us. Lucia
St. Clair, pray for us. Clara
St. Francis, pray for us. Favorite saint #1, list as many or as few as you would like
St. Pio, pray for us. #2
St. Rita, pray for us. #3 we sometimes add the Saint of the day
St. Nicholas, pray for us. #4, did I say they could be seasonal or temporary

All you Holy Souls, pray for us. This is the ending we use.
All You Angels and Saints, pray for us.
Queen of Peace, pray for us who have recourse to you.

There it is, a Family Litany.
Does this help?
Do you have any more questions?

Saint Roberto Bellarmino Quote - One Church Under One Pontiff

St. Robert Bellarmine Picture, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine Quote
St. Robert Bellarmine's defense of Papal authority has no equal. He wrote volumes concerning the role of the vicar of Christ here on earth, the Pope. It was the Popes of his time that determined Cardinal Bellarmine's calling was the apologetic defense of the Catholic Faith, in particular the Divine Rights given to the Pope.

Here is a smidgen of his great defense of the Pope.

But we teach that there is only one Church, ant not two, and that the one true Church is the assembly of men bound together by the profession of the same Christian faith and by the communion of the same sacraments, under the rule of legitimate pastors, and especially of the one vicar of Christ on earth, the Roman pontiff.

- Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, De Ecclesia Militante

An Ode To The Society Of Jesus

An Ode To The Society Of Jesus:



O privilege sublime,
Surpassing all the wildest flights
Of mythologic rhyme—
Companions of the Blessed Christ
In very truth to be,
In life and death to humbly share
His sweet society!

Dear company of Jesus !
Thy sainted founder prayed
That on the shoulders of his sons
The cross might, aye, be laid;
Ignatius! 'twere a needless prayer,—
Love ne'er is at a loss,
Who walketh close to Calv'ry's king
Is sure of Calv'ry's cross.

The bitterness of mortal pain,
Abandoned and betrayed;
The false tribunals of the world
Where justice stands dismayed;
The stripes, the thorns, the nails, the lance,
Men's scorn, and demons' rage,
Companions of the crucified!
These are your heritage!

But ever in the battle's front,
The vanguard of the king,
The great Society hath place,
Heroic, combating;
And in its fair celestial ranks
Full many a saint appears,
Rubies and diamonds the crown
Of martyr blood and tears.

Onward and upward, then, to swell
Those glad seraphic choirs!
Your feet are in the print of saints,
Sons of immortal sires!
From heaven's heights your brethren lean,
They beckon, lo! they call,"
God's greater glory be your aim,
His will your life, your all!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Am I Not She Who Is Your Mother?

Our Lady of Guadalupe is without a doubt our favorite title for our Lady. I would have been remiss if I didn't give her a little recognition on her feast day, December 12th.

BTW, she is part of our family litany. Do you have a family litany? You should. Our kids love the family litany.

Our Lady of Gaudalupe, virgin Mary

Yes, this is a picture of my Mom. Do you ever call her Mom?

Monday, December 10, 2007

He Is Not A Cracker!

Jesus is not a cracker. But you wouldn't know from the funeral Mass I attended this past weekend.

This weekend while attending the feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass, a funeral Mass and a Sunday Mass I witnessed three grave abuses. The last one I took to confession, because of how it turned out.

Here are the abuses...

  1. A teenager chewing gum while receiving the precious Body. He helped with the readings, as it was the teenagers turn to do the liturgy, yet he still wore jeans and chewed gum.
  2. I saw a third grader take the precious Body and eat it like a cracker. It took him 3 or 4 bites to consume the Lord of Lords. Thank God he consumed all of Him. He was a pall bearer. If he didn't consume Him, could you imagine going up to this grieving little boy to retrieve our Lord from his pocket?
  3. This one hurts. In a bad exchange, the precious Body falls to the ground. The communicant picks up our Lord and gives it to the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. You could tell the EOM was confused. The EOM then discretely places Jesus in his pocket!
I witnessed Jesus being treated as a breath mint, a cracker and spare change. Lord have mercy.

Immediately after Mass, I approached the EOM, who I did not know. He admitted his confusion and lack of knowledge in dealing with the situation. I told him that Jesus needs to be consumed and that if he didn't feel comfortable that I would do it. Then things got blurry and the next thing I know he walked away with Jesus in his pocket.

I stood there dumbfounded. What if he is a Mason? Did you know Masons steal the precious Body just to mock it?

Here's Jesus, next to some dimes and nickels, and I let Him walk away. Christ have mercy.

What do you think? What comments do you have?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Second Sunday of Advent

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Second Sunday of Advent

My Dear People,

Bring A Clean Heart To The Manager

"A voice cries out in the wilderness...prepare the way of the Lord." Matthew's Gospel calls us to a spirit of repentance. St. John the Baptist called all to a simple and holy life hungry for the Messiah. Jesus announces that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Humility and obedience always open the door to Our Lord Jesus Christ. What better way to get ready for Christmas than to bring a clean heart to the manger.

Remember, the Church still requires confession at least once a year, especially if you receive the Holy Eucharist often. Makes plans to come to confession this Advent on Saturday, or to your Parish Penance Service. Jesus is calling YOU to receive His Divine Mercy in the confessional this Advent.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily; The Second Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit Tidbit

Fellow blogger, Joseph Fromm, decided to list his eight things about himself on my blog comments. So I decided to publish them.

FYI, he has more information on the Jesuits than you can imagine. The red comments are mine.

Nine things about me, Joseph Fromm, Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit

  1. Oldest son, with younger brother and sister.
  2. Fell through the winter ice at 8 years old, saved by God from death. I bet your Mom prays a lot.
  3. I work for an NFL football team. Wow.
  4. I have two children.
  5. My wife is an evangelical convert to Catholicism. My wife is a convert.
  6. A good Jesuit helped me pull my self from out of the puddle I was drowning in, he spent five years and countless hours as my spiritual director. I would love a good spiritual director.
  7. I went on a Marian pilgrimage to Poland with my brother, It changed my/our life again. You can't beat a good pilgrimage.
  8. The hardest, yet most rewarding devotion that I have made, was a "by the book" Sacred Heart of Jesus, 9 month, First Friday devotion.
  9. I want to be a farmer in my old hometown up in the midwest. I would say cattle would be best.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Family Funny - A Little Potty Humor

"Rose, it's time for bed. You need to go potty now."

Whining in her high-pitch girly girl response,

"But, Daddy, my pee-pee doesn't work!"

After convincing her to try anyway, she comes back and remarks,

"Daddy, my pee-pee DID work!"

Want more family funnies?

What are your family funny moments?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Day In The Life . . . "The New Nun"

Here is the update of our friend, Gloria, the newest Poor Clare nun. Gloria was given the chance to write her family. Here is her little story about how she is adjusting.

She writes, "I am settling in quite well here with the Poor Clares, and although everything is new to me, it all feels familiar somehow. I am sleeping well, eating well and starting to pick up the routine. The Novice Mistress Sr Mary Rose and her assistant Sr Mary Elizabeth are easing me into things. All are patient with the newest member, who is constantly confused, especially by the Liturgy of the Hours which the community prays 7 times a day!

But honestly, between these set prayers of the Church, we do plenty more praying--constantly and for everyone. Please know that all of you are not only in my prayers, but also in the prayers of all 12 of the other Poor Clares here. And feel free to call if you have special prayer requests or even an urgent message for me, ie about how to handle something I left behind.

I didn't even know the Liturgy of Hours had seven daily prayers associated with it. Did you?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Eight Things About Me

Tag, I'm it. Therese, Aussie Coffee Shop, gave me a little love on her site, but she is making me work for it. I can handle that. It is a good blog. Make sure you go visit.

So here are the rules.

....Here's what you do: Each person starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves and post these guidelines. At the end of the post, choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they are tagged and to read your blog. Have fun!

  1. I am an identical twin.
  2. In fourth grade, I was seriously injured in a farm accident involving a power take-off. In essence, my right arm wrapped around a pipe three times. By the grace of God, it is mostly fully functional.
  3. I am still a Mizzou fan, even if they can't beat Oklahoma.
  4. I used to teach high school agriculture.
  5. I moved back to my home town about a year ago, so my wife could be a stay at home mom.
  6. We home school our children.
  7. Going for the "crazy" title, as we are "actively" pursuing number 4.
  8. I am absolutely, positively in love with my wife and our children.

Now it is time for the tag.

Joseph Fromm - Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit
Renew Catechesis
Under the Mercy - Hope of Recovery

You can expect more tags later.

Friday, November 30, 2007

St. Robert Bellarmine - The Call To The Priesthood

The Call Starts Small

"Brethren, a wonderful and a mysterious thing is a
young man's call to the priesthood.
From his earliest
years he is unconsciously being prepared, as an altar
boy perhaps, and the summons, at first vague
and general, may take years to become distinct and
unmistakable. Thus St. Andrew had long been a disciple
of the Baptist, and though months previous to
their present call, when John had pointed out the
Lamb of God to him and his brother Peter, they had
immediately followed Jesus, still it is only now that
their vocation takes shape definite and final.

Doubtless the immediate works of Jesus's hands,
the miraculous loaves and fishes, and the wine of Cana were
far superior to that produced by secondary causes;
and doubtless, too, some special grace was vouchsafed
those whom Jesus personally called and consecrated
to His service, but still it is the self-same
Christ that summons to-day young men to the selfsame

His voice is not heard, but just as through
fishing He caught the fishermen, and by a
star He led the astronomers or Magi, so through
some circumstance peculiar to each He draws him
naturally, sweetly, and yet mightily. Some event,
trivial it may be, but still deeply significant in the
light God sheds on it, will open up God's will to him,
even as the sight of Jesus preaching to the surging
throngs upon the strand must have recalled to the
fishermen God's promise to their father Abraham
that his seed should be as the grains of sand upon the
shore; must have made them reflect that the harvest
indeed was plentiful but the laborers few.

"Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest,"
says Holy Spirit, "to send laborers into His harvest"

for a call to the priesthood is exclusively God's doing. Mary
chooses the better part herself and Christ ratifies her
choice, but to His Apostles He says:

"It is I who choose you and not you who choose Me."

Neither Peter the fisherman, nor Peter the disowner can
turn to Christ unless Christ's glance first rest on him.
And blessed be God that in distributing His favors
Christ is impartial and no respecter of persons.
James and John, we know, were own cousins to the
Lord, yet Andrew and Peter's call preceded theirs.
That Christ began by choosing a pair of brothers recalls
God's choice of Moses and Aaron to liberate His
people and seems to indicate the bond of brotherhood
each neophyte enters into with his brotherpriests.

Again, neither wealth, nor influence, nor
great abilities count for aught with Christ in His
choice of subjects for His priesthood.
One there
was of great possessions whom He commanded to
go, give all to the poor and coming follow Him, but
that young man's countenance fell and he sadly
turned away. More frequently the call comes to the
poor and humble and by such is it more generally and
more readily accepted. The fishermen were rough
and unlettered, as unpromising, seemingly, for any
purposes of usefulness or beauty as the unhewn log
of wood or the undressed block of marble, but out
of the wood may be fashioned a thing of beauty, and
within the marble may lie hid an angel.

Julian, the apostate, was wont to sneeringly remark
that Christchose the ignorant as more gullible, and even
among alumni of Catholic colleges you will sometimes
hear the brighter men reproach the duller ones with
having studied for the priesthood because no other
path to success lay open to them. The charge is
false and blasphemous. Not all of Christ's disciples
were rude and uncultured.
Nicodemus and Gamaliel
and Nathanael were doctors of the law; Lazarus and
Joseph of Arimathea were from the Judean nobility;
Paul and Denis the Areopagite and the many Jewish
priests, who, as we read in the Acts, embraced the
faith, were all most learned men, and later history
records that the greatest minds that ever graced this
earth were priests of God. And does it not redound
to God's greater glory that men so utterly unfit as
were the fishermen should have suddenly become
masters of wisdom and of eloquence, linguists versed
in every known tongue, and stupendous wonderworkers?

That God chose such feeble means wherewith
to conquer Jewish bigotry and convert a Pagan
world served the double purpose of illustrating His
omnipotence and saving the Apostles from vanity,
for well might they say:

" Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Thy name give glory."

Aye, it served a further purpose still, viz., to
show the emptiness ofall the teachings of the
Pagan philosophies, for God chose the weak things
of the earth to overcome the strong, and the
foolish to confound the wise."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

St. Robert Bellarmine Apologetic Quote - Assumption

St. Robert Bellarmine Quote - Defending the
Virgin's Mary Assumption into Heaven

virgin mary, Saint Robert Bellarmine qoute, St. Robert Bellarmine quote, assumption of our lady

And who, I ask could believe that the ark of holiness, the dwelling place of the Word of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, could be reduced to ruin?

My soul is filled with horror at the thought that this virginal flesh which had begotten God, had brought Him into the world, had nourish and carried Him, could have been turned into ashes or given over to be the food of worms?

The Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Have You Seriously Examined Your Conscience Today

Examination of Conscience -

Mortal Sins

Three conditions necessary for mortal sin…
  1. Serious Matter
  2. Reflection
  3. Full Consent of the Will

  • Involvement in cult practices like masonry, Wicca, wizardry

  • Leaving the Catholic Faith for another religion or practice

  • Receiving Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin without confession

  • Receiving Conformation or marriage in a state of mortal sin

  • Firm hatred of God and his teachings

  • Buying or selling of blessed or consecrated objects

  • Using God’s name as a purposeful curse

  • Seriously wishing death or harm upon another person

  • Serious slander about another person

  • Swearing false oaths

  • Perjury or lying under oath

  • Willful failure to fast and abstain on Ash Wednesday/Good Friday

  • Missing mass intentionally on Sunday or Holy Days

  • Willfully working at a task for more than a few hours on Sunday regularly

  • Serious failure to care for your aging parents

  • Wishing evil or death upon your parents or grandparents

  • Failure to Baptize your children and raise them in the faith

  • Murder, manslaughter, or homicide

  • Having an abortion

  • Using artificial birth control which causes spontaneous abortion

  • Endangering another while driving drunk

  • Abusing and selling illegal drugs

  • Having oneself sterilized

  • Adultery

  • Fornication

  • Self-abuse

  • Prostituting one’s body for money

  • In-vitro fertilization

  • Human Cloning

  • Co-habitation before marriage

  • Stealing a large amount of money

  • Buying or selling stolen goods

  • Excessive gambling

  • Bribery or blackmail

  • Tax evasion

  • Detraction or serious gossip

  • Internet pornography

  • Willfully lusted after another person

Examination of Conscience - Venial Sins

Monday, November 26, 2007

Have You Examined Your Conscience Lately?

Examination of Conscience - Venial Sins

  • Failure to pray regularly

  • Failure to know and study the teachings of the Catholic Church

  • Spiritual laziness

  • Not trusting God will provide

  • Failure to support the mission of the Catholic Church

  • Putting off confession

  • Giving into self-pity and selfishness

  • Using God’s name frivolously

  • Cursing thoughtlessly

  • Speaking badly about Bishops, Priests, and Deacons

  • Being immodest or irreverent in Church

  • Coming to mass late or leaving early habitually

  • Fighting with siblings

  • Disrespectful of those who have rightful authority over us

  • Neglecting our children

  • Lack of gratitude for what God has given us

  • Nagging our spouse or children

  • Meddling in others' business

  • Breaking civil laws like speeding

  • Pride

  • Arrogance

  • Vanity

  • Being stubborn or rude

  • Being prejudiced against race(s)

  • Harboring a grudge

  • Seeking revenge

  • Excessive use of TV, video games, use of cell phones or computer

  • Treating others unfairly

  • Violating trust or friendships

  • Treating others as things

  • Theft of small items

  • Failing to practice charity towards the poor

  • Failing to pay off debts or credit cards

  • Lying, gossiping, stealing another’s reputation

  • Exaggerating the Truth

  • Complaining, criticizing others, whining

And the number one venial sin

to confess this Advent? ? ?

  • Excessive blogging

Examination of Conscience - Mortal Sins

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Fourth Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Fourth Sunday

My Dear People,

Christ The King, Come Lord Jesus

Christ the King HomilyThe holy image of Christ the King has been impressed upon the hearts of Christians of all ages. Of the house of King David, Jesus Christ crucified, will reign over all powers and principalities until the end of time. St. Paul tells us that, "He is the beginning, the first born of the dead..." Jesus reconciles all things to Himself. He has redeemed us through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

All who are baptized and confess His Holy Name will be saved. We are the people of this "holy promise". We long for the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ. "Maranatha..Come Lord Jesus Come". This was the cry of the early Church. We long for the complete reign of Christ the King. Lord of all nations, come to reign over us!

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - 34th Sunday

What else does Father Mark have with his Catholic Homily Minute?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

What I Am Thankful For . . .

Children! Children! Children!

We had 10 little ones age 3 and under at our Thanksgiving meal. We were even blessed with 2 more, but the good Lord decided to take them while still in the womb. It all started after my Mom's death. A good sign of her sanctity. I mentioned the fruits of her death here.

May Christ the King bless you.

John Michael

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Anne Marie's Godmother Enters The Covent

Here are the rest of the pictures. Notice the how the sorrow in the first set was turned to joy.

First Set Pictures Of Gloria Before Entering

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

God Is Good

Here are the pictures I promised when Gloria entered the Poor Clare Community.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Third Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Third Sunday

My Dear People,

Roman Catholic Womenpriests Is A Lie

If we had to summarize the present age, it would be described as one of "entitlement". Simply put.."I am owed." Unlike our forefathers who struggled to provide the basic necessities for their families in an environment of faith and trust in Almighty God, this age places pleasures and power before everything else. When Eve was seduced in the Garden, she was given the BIG LIE, "you can have it all, right now". "You can become God, and possess it all, including have His knowledge," the Devil promised Eve. Once seduced, she convinces Adam of the lie as well, and so it goes. Today, this BIG LIE has never been so alive as it presently is. We must have it all right now, without pain or sacrifice, because "I am owed." There are no longer boundaries of reason, simply a seeking and a gaining what is owed me.

The Schismatic Group, Roman Catholic Womenpriests,
Excommunicate Themselves With Scandalise Ordination

The recent SCHISM with the "ordination" of women in the St. Louis Archdiocese, is the penultimate LIE of "I am owed." The apostates, who refer to themselves as Catholics, have been completely seduced by Eve's deception..."I am owed." Roman Catholic Womenpriests, as they call themselves, are the epitome of the lie. Unlike the hundreds of holy women saints, who submitted themselves to God's Divine Will, these women image "self-will." Like Lucifer, they boldly cry out publicly, "we will not obey our God." And so the sin is perpetuated in the name of "I am owed." We have much to atone for this present age. ONLY by God's Divine Mercy and Forgiveness will we emerge from this "present darkness." Stand in contradiction to the BIG LIE. Submit yourselves and your families in humility to Jesus' Most Sacred Heart. Ask Our Lady to cover you with Her Holy Mantle. Trust and believe in the power of God's Divine Love.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Third Sunday

What else does Father Mark have with his Catholic Homily Minute?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Family Funny - Car Ride

Driving home late Sunday night we hear Rose ask Anne Marie.
"Anne Marie, are you asleep?"
A little louder, "Anne Marie, are you asleep?"

A little bit annoyed, "Anne Marie, are you asleep?"

We finally decided to answer and let her know that Anne Marie was asleep.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

She Left Us!

Yes, she left us. Actually it is a good thing.

Gloria, Anne Marie's Godmother, enter the Poor Clares this Saturday. It was tough seeing her leave. We will only get to see her two more times. I will be updating with pictures shortly.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Family Funny - Church Bells

While leaving our church after a recent funeral I got to ring the bell. It was such a privilege, that I was a little over-zealous. While my dad was walking out, he gave me a warning, "don't pull to hard or the bell will fall out. Well, at least it did when I was a kid."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

While At The Hospital...

This was taken at the hospital when we went to visit my new nephew.

Monday, November 12, 2007

ZENIT - A Martyr's Letter to His Girlfriend

A Martyr's Letter to His Girlfriend

"Let My Memory Always Remind You There Is a Better Life"

MADRID, Spain, NOV. 9, 2007 ( Here is a translation of a letter from Bartolomé Blanco Márquez, written to his girlfriend from prison the day before he was executed during religious persecution in 1930s Spain. Márquez was beatified Oct. 28; the letter is published in the “Summarium Super Martyrio” of his beatification cause.

Bartolomé Blanco Márquez was born in Cordoba in 1914. He was arrested as a Catholic leader -- he was the secretary of Catholic Action and a delegate to the Catholic Syndicates -- on Aug. 18, 1936. He was executed on Oct. 2, 1936, at age 21, while he cried out, “Long live Christ the King!”

* * *

Provincial prison of Jaen, Oct. 1, 1936

My dearest Maruja:

Your memory will remain with me to the grave and, as long as the slightest throb stirs my heart, it will beat for love of you. God has deemed fit to sublimate these worldly affections, ennobling them when we love each other in him. Though in my final days, God is my light and what I long for, this does not mean that the recollection of the one dearest to me will not accompany me until the hour of my death.

I am assisted by many priests who -- what a sweet comfort -- pour out the treasures of grace into my soul, strengthening it. I look death in the eye and, believe my words, it does not daunt me or make me afraid.

My sentence before the court of mankind will be my soundest defense before God's court; in their effort to revile me, they have ennobled me; in trying to sentence me, they have absolved me, and by attempting to lose me, they have saved me. Do you see what I mean? Why, of course! Because in killing me, they grant me true life and in condemning me for always upholding the highest ideals of religion, country and family, they swing open before me the doors of heaven.

My body will be buried in a grave in this cemetery of Jaen; while I am left with only a few hours before that definitive repose, allow me to ask but one thing of you: that in memory of the love we shared, which at this moment is enhanced, that you would take on as your primary objective the salvation of your soul. In that way, we will procure our reuniting in heaven for all eternity, where nothing will separate us.

Goodbye, until that moment, then, dearest Maruja! Do not forget that I am looking at you from heaven, and try to be a model Christian woman, since, in the end, worldly goods and delights are of no avail if we do not manage to save our souls.

My thoughts of gratitude to all your family and, for you, all my love, sublimated in the hours of death. Do not forget me, my Maruja, and let my memory always remind you there is a better life, and that attaining it should constitute our highest aspiration.

Be strong and make a new life; you are young and kind, and you will have God's help, which I will implore upon you from his kingdom. Goodbye, until eternity, then, when we shall continue to love each other for life everlasting.

ZENIT - A Martyr's Letter to His Girlfriend

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Second Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Second Sunday

My Dear People,

Thankfulness As A Way of Life

Even though it may not seem that way at times, we are a people of abundance. Compared to other nations, we are still among the richest countries of the world. Just because we don't have as many things as our next door neighbor, does not mean that we are POOR in the eyes of the world. Being thankful for all that we have is truly a "way of life". Gratitude does not come overnight. Realizing how very brief life really is, and that each day is truly a gift from God, is a great grace.

So this week, decide to become a person who is grateful to Almighty God for all that you have, and all that you will become. Count your blessing, not your disappointments. Living in this LIGHT, will bring even more graces of abundance upon you and your whole family. Praise be to our God!

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-Second Sunday

Don't Miss Out Get The Rest Of The Catholic Sunday Homily

Sunday, November 11, 2007

They Just Wouldn't Shut Up!

Do you battle spiritual pride? I do.

Sometimes in my actions, but mainly in my head. My thoughts were screaming spiritual pride this morning. Of course they had to yell in order to be heard. Let me explain...

Finally, We Made It To The Rosary Before Mass!

A small victory for this Bellarmine Blog family. The Rosary was started a little late this morning. You know, no big deal. Well, it started to get loud in the vestibule as more and more people were arriving. That's where my rude thoughts started kicking in. They were loud, really loud. Satan took this time to throw me some self-righteous thoughts. "Don't they know we praying?" My lips prayed. My heart belittled. It was like I was a dog and Satan was throwing me a ball and I would take it and happily run away. Of course the sin is not the thrown ball. Retrieving it is.

Then It Happened.

The Holy Spirit moved! It was a gift. One that humbled me. The third Glorious Mystery was announced. Remember we started late which meant the entire congregation was already in attendance. "The third Glorious Mystery the descent of the Holy Spirit." The second sentence was annouced the entire Church stopped talking as if they rehearsed the day before. The Holy Spirit Did Descend And Gave Us Silence. God is good.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's Time to Make a Stand - An Open Letter to Catholic Contraceptive Users

Do You Have A Contraceptive Mentality? If So...

Read All Of This!
But First, Stop And Say A Prayer.
Fair Enough?

Bishop: Catholic Disobedience on Contraception has caused "Tremendous Harm to Society"

"In choosing to disobey, you break faith with the Church," warns Bishop Robert Vasa in the Catholic Sentinel. "In that disobedience tremendous harm has been brought to many women. Tremendous harm to marriage. Tremendous harm to family life. Tremendous harm to society."
Did you read that? Does it make sense?

These may sound like silly questions. But Bishop Robert Vasa defined the consequences of the contraceptive mentality very clearly. When the truth is given in a straight-forward manner with a charitable heart, it forces a decision to made.

Either I will serve and obey the Catholic Church, the bride of Christ, or I will not serve and obey and choose to break that relationship. This is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

So Which Master Will You Serve?
"Many Catholics have erroneously determined that the path they should follow is to disobey while trying to convince the Church that Her teaching is erroneous."

Bishop Vasa has correctly pegged the Contraceptive Mentality. How many of us have declared that "The Church needs to get with the times?" As for you and your house, who will you serve?

Yes, this is hard-hitting stuff. But, let me tell you why it is. I chose not to serve. And after repenting and doing penance for seven years it is still a thorn in my side.

"Honey, I love you, but not your fertility."

I lied to her! A straight face, bold lie. You cannot separate the woman from the fertility. The two are one, both Divine gifts. Just like Jesus and His Bride, the Catholic Church. If you take away one you get neither.

After seven years I am still paying for the consequences. Back then it almost cost me my marriage. I had to move out of the house. It was ugly and hurtful.

Now, we are still rebuilding our relationship. The consequences linger for a long time. We still battle trust issues and our frustration levels are still high after seven years. After taking a step back and evaluating the situation it is very clear to see why. Contraception is a selfish lie that tears apart relationships from your spouse and the bride of Christ, the Catholic Church.

There you have it. Your Decision Must Be Made!

Whose House Will You Serve?

Don't be fooled. Not making a decision is a decision in itself. It is hard. I've been there. Take courage! There is Joy out there waiting for you.

Your Brother In Christ,

John Michael

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Department Stores Attack Christmas!

Earlier Than Ever Department Stores
Attack Christmas Spirituality!

Did you see it? It is subtle you know.

Maybe you walked right by it and didn't even notice?

If you made a comment it probably went something like this.

"I can't believe they already have Christmas items up for sale!"
Yep, Christmas items for sale a week before Halloween. Yes, that's crazy. And don't be fooled it is a vicious attack on Christmas. Why you say?

  1. It is subtle. Lucifer knows the light because he was God's brightest angel. So he creates something with a little or a lot of light in it, to lure in new victims. Once he has an inch he can start working on his mile.
  2. Materialistic. If you want to beat a team with a good offense then you better have a good defense. Christmas is a spiritual holiday (observe that the word holiday is from "Holy Day"). What better way to attack it than by excessive materialism.
  3. It is out of season. Like scripture says, there is time for peace, a time for war. A week before Halloween is not the time for Christmas.
So What Do We Do?

Good question. Some simple suggestions will be in the next blogpost.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

My Dear People,

Zacchaues Filled With Great Joy

Catholic Homily, Homily, Sunday Catholic Homily, Sunday HomilyZacchaeus is a very interesting character in the New Testament. In today's gospel, Jesus says, "this day salvation has come to your house." Jesus was not speaking of a physical dwelling. He was speaking about the temple of Zacchaeus's soul. In order for Jesus to bestow this great grace of salvation, Zacchaeus had to open his own heart and soul. Filled with great joy, Zacchaeus hurries down from his perch, and confesses his desire for complete conversion.

In Jesus' day, tax collectors were usually very wealthy men. They had very lucrative jobs. For Zacchaeus to declare publicly that he would give 1/2 of all his possessions to the poor, was a great "offering". Imagine selling your house, cars, properties, and cashing in all of your savings and giving 1/2 of your net worth to St. Vincent de Paul. That is some serious money. But he knew God's eternal mercy and love was truly worth it. Everytime we receive Holy Communion, Jesus opens the "portal way" to eternal life. It costs us NOTHING but our surrender and conversion to Him alone. Confess your total dependence upon the Lord, and know the GREAT JOY of Zacchaeus.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

Don't Miss Out Get The Rest Of The Catholic Sunday Homily

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The White Lady

Across the Missouri River Valley from the Hermannhof Winery is the Starkenburg Lady of Sorrows Shrine to our "Blessed Virgin Mary." Built as a monastery in 1852, Starkenburg was named for its likeness to a monastery built in Germany in 1065. The Lady of Sorrows Monastery has a plain white veiled statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary carried in processions. Protestants of Rhineland, Herman and surrounding Missouri farms who came to view the Virgin Mary processions, termed the Virgin Mary statue as the "Weisse Dame- White Lady."

In 1891 a solemn, annual pilgrimage was vowed by local farmers to the "Weisse Dame - White Lady" if the rains would cease. The following day dawned bright and clear, and one beautiful day followed another. On another occasion, a drought was broken on the day after such a pilgrimage. Pilgrim processions grew into multitudes. Numerous seemingly miraculous cures have also been reported from the water of Starkenburg.

In 1897 the Holy Father, Leo XIII, decreed that henceforth, all pious Pilgrims to the Shrine wil be granted special benefits. The crutches, braces and plaques at Starkenburg bear testimony to the consolation, relief, and therapeutic benefits received from the Starkenburg Shrine.

Taken off of the wine bottle.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Family Halloween Picture

I love it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

St. Robert Bellarmine Patron Saint of Catechumens

This comes from a fellow blogger phatcatholic. He did an entire thesis on the history of the catechism. As you may know Cardinal Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino was the king of the catechism. If you did not know, then keep reading to find out why St. Robert Bellarmine is the patron Saint of Catechumens.

In his encyclical Etsi minime, Pope Benedict XIV addressed this problem by proposing the catechism of Robert Bellarmine as the standard for teaching Christian doctrine (Kevane xxxi). Benedict says of it, “There is nothing more effective or opportune for guarding in advance against the errors which can creep into the situation of such a variety of Catechisms for children” (qtd. in Kevane xxxii). He also stated that if a local catechism must be used, care should be taken that nothing be added to it that contradicts Catholic truth, and that these truths are presented in a clear and comprehensive yet concise manner (xxxii).

In 1869, with the convening of the First Vatican Council, the Church again took up the problem articulated by Pope Benedict XIV. Besides the publication of two Dogmatic Constitutions (Dei Filius and Pastor aeternus), which themselves did much to solidify the Church’s teaching on Divine Revelation and the Infallibility of the Pope, steps were taken to compose a uniform catechism for use throughout the entire Church (xxxiv-xxxv). That the Church, after so many years, would still be concerned with a uniform presentation of the faith is a testament to her constant zeal and concern for the Deposit entrusted to her. She is always desirous to pass it on with the utmost fidelity and to nurture within the hearts of men a true and lasting increase in understanding and conversion to Christ.

The schema presented to the Council Fathers on January 14, 1870 expressed the intent of the Council:
All the members of the Church of Christ diffused throughout the whole world should be of one heart and one soul; hence they must likewise be unified in their lips and their language. It must be recognized, however, that a variety in approach and method of teaching the rudiments of the faith to the faithful is no slight obstacle to this unity. Hence, with the approval of this Council, We shall take care to produce a Small Catechism by Our authority, which all are to use. Thus, the variety of small Catechisms will be removed for the future. (qtd. in Kevane xxxv)
Again, the catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine was held as the standard to be emulated, and after some weeks of discussion, the project for a Small Catechism was brought to a formal vote and overwhelmingly approved by the bishops. Unfortunately, the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War forced the Council to suspend its work before the disciplinary decree for the Small Catechism could be officially promulgated (xxxvi). “Thus the pastors and the faithful continued after Vatican I with the Roman Catechism together with the several national and regional Catechisms for children as the ongoing teaching aids for handing on the elements and rudiments of the deposit of faith” (xxxvii).

Learn more about the great Cardinal Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino

Monday, October 29, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - 30th Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirtieth Sunday

My Dear People,

Is Harry Potter Replacing Catholic Saints As Heroes?

When occult practices in the media and in the general populace have become so acceptable and mainstream in our present age, this highlights the need for our ALL SAINT DAY masses. Saints are our heroes. For the past twenty centuries, God has raised up women and men outstanding in holiness, uncompromising in their love and faithfulness to Jesus Christ. In our present age, when children and adults of all ages are obsessed with video violence, the occult, and paranormal practices, our Saints stand in contradiction to this norm.

When parents and Children alike become obsessed with the current "Harry Potter" books and videos, dismissing them as "harmless", SAINTS then become our REAL HEROES. All to often Catholics take very lightly their moral obligation to participate in Holy Day Masses, but would never even consider missing their children's sports event. This flip flop in moral values points to our need to know and love the SAINTS. Don't forget to fulfill your moral obligation to celebrate with the "HOLY ONES" this All Saints Day.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - 30th Sunday

Don't Miss Out Get The Rest Of The Catholic Sunday Homily

Friday, October 26, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request

Kathryn goes to Bellarmine College. God have mercy on her.
St. Bellarmine, pray for your College and all involved.

Kathryn McCoy, 19, Plainfield, was arrested Thursday after being discharged from University Hospital in Louisville. McCoy, a student at Bellarmine University, a small Catholic liberal arts college near Louisville, allegedly gave birth to a girl then let the baby die in her dorm room. - Star file photo


Thursday, October 25, 2007

St. Roberto Bellarmino Wore Rags

After scouring the net I found some more St. Robert Bellarmine pictures to add to the collection.

I am absolutely positive St. Bellarmine would not like so many of his pictures in one place. But hey the man wore only one Cardinal outfit. Despite his friends best effort to get him some new clothes. His patches had patches. Just think this was an extremely popular man.

What would your impression be of a man in a highly visible office wearing rags? Think about it.

That gown and under garments was in shreds by the time he died. He would have it no other way though. His role model was St. Francis of Asissi. Little Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino was even born on St. Francis' feast day October 4, 1542.

Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino loved brother poverty and would spend his life giving away every penny he had.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Family Funny - Rose

So its getting near bedtime. Rose walks in the room.

"Rose did you go potty yet?"

Rose in her pretty soft girly voice, "Mmmmm, yeeaahh."

She waits one second to let her brain catch up to her words. "Mmmmm, Nooo."

She then turns around and runs to the potty.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Natural Family Planning, The Contraceptive Alternative - Part IV

Natural Family Planning, The Contraceptive Alternative

This video compares Natural Family Planning, NFP, The Contraceptive Alternative, to the contraceptive pill.

Discover the rest of the Contraceptive Alternative Videos here:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Twenty-Ninth Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - 29th Sunday

My Dear People,

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Eucharistic Prayer Warrior

St. Rose Philippine DuchesneSt. Rose Philippine Duchesne, born in Grenoble France around the time of the French Revolution, a devoted religious, lived and worked in Florissant and St. Charles, MO. A Madame of the Sacred Heart, she desired to work with Native Americans from her early childhood. One time, while working in Kansas with the Patwomoni Indian tribe, St. Rose spent hours before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration. Sometimes her prayer would go long into the nighttime hours. Lost in prayer, she would spend 6-8 hours at a time in supplication. Noticing her great love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, some of the children of the tribe wagered a bet that St. Rose actually took breaks in between her prayer time. While she was kneeling in prayer, the children placed twigs on the end of her habit, hoping to find them displaced during the course of the night. Every time they did so, they would return 8-10 hours later only to find them in exactly the same place they were originally laid. So taken back were the Indian children, that they "nicknamed" St. Rose "the woman who prays ALWAYS."

Jesus tells us in the Gospel to "pray always". Like our St. Louis, we ask St. Rose Philippine Duchesne to intercede for us before the throne of God, to grant us a heart HUNGRY for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In doing so, may we fulfill the command of Christ in the Gospel for Luke this and women who pray always. If you have yet to sign up for an hour of adoration, please consider doing so soon.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Twenty-Ninth Sunday

May we be good stewards of all the spiritual gifts given at our baptism and confirmation...

Don't Miss Out Get The Rest Of The Catholic Sunday Homily!

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, pray for us.