Monday, November 5, 2007

Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

My Dear People,

Zacchaues Filled With Great Joy

Catholic Homily, Homily, Sunday Catholic Homily, Sunday HomilyZacchaeus is a very interesting character in the New Testament. In today's gospel, Jesus says, "this day salvation has come to your house." Jesus was not speaking of a physical dwelling. He was speaking about the temple of Zacchaeus's soul. In order for Jesus to bestow this great grace of salvation, Zacchaeus had to open his own heart and soul. Filled with great joy, Zacchaeus hurries down from his perch, and confesses his desire for complete conversion.

In Jesus' day, tax collectors were usually very wealthy men. They had very lucrative jobs. For Zacchaeus to declare publicly that he would give 1/2 of all his possessions to the poor, was a great "offering". Imagine selling your house, cars, properties, and cashing in all of your savings and giving 1/2 of your net worth to St. Vincent de Paul. That is some serious money. But he knew God's eternal mercy and love was truly worth it. Everytime we receive Holy Communion, Jesus opens the "portal way" to eternal life. It costs us NOTHING but our surrender and conversion to Him alone. Confess your total dependence upon the Lord, and know the GREAT JOY of Zacchaeus.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark, Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute - Thirty-First Sunday

Don't Miss Out Get The Rest Of The Catholic Sunday Homily

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