Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Your Sunday Catholic Homily - First Sunday of Lent

From the Desk of Father Mark - Your Sunday Catholic Homily Minute

My Dear People,

Satan Will Attack You!

The temptations of Christ in the desert teach us a lot about ourselves. Our Lord always carries our cross before we do. Special graces abound during Lent. The devil knows this. We must protect these extra-ordinary blessings in advance. The devil's attacks will come in three ways. First, we will be attacked through our five senses. Then, we will be attacked through our pride. And lastly, we will be attacked through our desire to honor and adore Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Without a good and holy confession, we do not stand a chance in these attacks. Confession cuts us to mend, by the holy hand of Jesus our Divine Physician. Don't put off confession this Lent. Come often to receive this necessary protection of Our Lord to fight the good fight. Included in this week's bulletin, is a good examination of conscience. Use this holy tool to prepare well for a good and holy confession this Lent. May we always use wisely, the sacramental graces of the Catholic Church.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

Go Here To Get The Best of Father Mark's Short Homilies


Athanasis Contra Mundum said...

Father Mark gets right to the point. I like that! I'll have to check out his other stuff.

Therese said...

Confession is very much needed in our Western World.

I have tagged both you and Regan John. See my blog for details.

Easter Almuena said...

John Michael,
So good to see contra mundum here...

This is perfect for yesterday's (Fri) reading on forgiveness! Thank you!