Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Is God Not Answering Your Prayers?

Who Else Wants To Know

Why Prayers Go Unanswered?

Read this as St. Robert Bellarmine reveals why some prayers go unanswered! In his book on the reflections on the Psalms St. Bellarmine shows the debt of his spiritual life and intellectual ability and gives you the hidden gem as to why some prayers go unanswered.

For brevity sake, you are only getting his reflection on the word dwells. It's remarkable how he can get so much insight from a single word.

[1] He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,
"The next word dwells, means a great deal. It is a little word, but full of power and energy. Notice that what is said in not 'he who trusts' or he who confides,' but he who dwells.' This is to bring home to us that we are not to fly to the Divine protection as men do to a tree or a doorway when it rains, but rather as little boys are wont to rush to their fathers' arms when anything frightens them. We see them playing with their companions in the streets, but no sooner does the least thing go wrong, than they are off home as fast as their small legs will carry them. It never occurs to them to doubt the security of home. They know that they have mother and father there who would gladly give their hearts' blood to protect them.
But people who seek refuge from rain under a tree, have a good look round first, and it is only when no better shelter offers that they run willy-nilly to the tree.

Why is it that some men implore the Divine assistance without receiving it and seem to put their trust in God without being protected by Him?

The reason is that they do not really dwell in the aid of the Most High, nor take shelter under the Providence of God as in their Father's house.

They rather make sporadic dashes to it in time of trouble, as they do to a tree when there is a sudden shower. It is therefore very necessary for us, dear brethren, to get into the way of always and instinctively turning to God. We must try by constant exercise of holy confidence to build for ourselves a house where we may abide safely when the dark hours come. And we must carry our trusty house about with us wherever we go, just as we see the snails do. They wander here and there and everywhere and yet they are always at home."

And that my brethren is why God does not answer some prayers!

Learn more little about our beloved Saint:

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