Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Dear People,

Don't Take A Vacation From God!

GOD doesn't take the summer off from us. Neither should we be lax in our prayer during the summer. With gas prices projected to top $5.00 plus by the 4th of July, many of us will be staying closer to home for vacation. Even if you are planning to go quite a distance, check ahead to make sure that a Catholic Mass is in your Sunday plans. Forgetting to do so in advance is not a reason, but an excuse. God does not vacation from us. We owe Him all that we have and are. Nothing comes to BE except through Him. So INCLUDE God in your summer plans.

Praise and glorify Him each and every day of your life. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Pray, Pray, Pray and rest and relax during the months ahead. Cover yourselves and your family in prayer. Don't forget to bring along your Rosary and pray together as a family.

May all members of our parish family, strive to use our many gifts, talents and blessings in ways that are found pleasing to God.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

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