Thursday, June 19, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Dear People,

Satan Hates The Role Father

All across the country, we celebrate Father's Day. Wanting to recognize the importance of our dads within the family unit is a great grace. When so many demonic attacks are coming against the making of "holy families" in God's eyes, our pagan culture continues to demean the Heavenly role of the Father. From the sanctuary to the living room, Satan will not rest until he has undermined the God appointed role of the FATHER. It is an indirect attack on the first person of the Holy Trinity. Beginning with Abraham, God has taught us the true nature of "fatherhood".

As Fathers, our primary reason for being is to reflect the divine love of God our Heavenly Father in what we say and do. This transformational love then forms and nurtures the role of our mothers. Mothers in turn image God to their offspring. Parents primary goal in life is to nurture their children, and to teach them the Way of Life...Jesus Christ. All life begins and ends in Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We become Fathers, when we live the merciful love of Jesus in our own lives. This is the sacred love that transforms our marriages and our children. Holy Marriages in turn, transforms the "domus ecclesiae" (the family at home), and the big family of the church. Holy married love is what begets holy and sanctified priests.

Priests, then in turn, sanctify the many family units into seedbeds of faith. What a great plan God has for us, as Holy Fathers. And it is never too late to begin. Give eternal praise to God our Heavenly Father this day. Pray that all fathers become like our Father in Heaven. Pray in turn for holy marriages and holy families. This then, is the beginning of the sanctification of our Church here on Earth. Pray fathers, like your eternity depended upon it.

May we learn to give, without counting the cost, by holding our many blessings in an open hand, not a clenched fist.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

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