Monday, July 28, 2008

St. Ignatius of Loyola Miracle

St. Ignatius of Loyola Still Answers Prayers.

His feast day is coming up this Thursday.
It was on All-Saint's Day that Alvaro offered up this prayer, and he continued it during the whole Octave of the Festival. On the last day, towards evening, he suddenly hoard, as it were- an inward voice, which said to him, "Rise up, and walk;" and at the same time he experienced an irresistible impulse to leave his chair.

He rose, and found that he was completely restored to the use of his limbs, that his tongue was loosed, and that his whole body had recovered its former vigor. Hastily he ran towards the hall, where the Religious were assisting at a course of theological lectures. When he entered, their astonishment was so great, that they gazed at him, believing that their eyes must have deceived them; but when the old man related to them how this miracle had been wrought upon him by the intercession of St. Ignatius, their surprise was changed into joy, and with grateful devotion, they offered up thanks to God and to His servant, and joined their voices in the solemn anthem, Te Deum Laudamus. Immediately after, they sent information to the Fathers of the Society of all that had occurred, accompanying it with an authentic attestation of the facts.

Source: History of the Life and Institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola

See if St. Ignatius is wanting to work a miracle in your life.

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