Monday, March 24, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Easter Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute

My Dear People,


"He is Risen!" This the cry of the women at the tomb. It is also the cry of the Church for the "eight days" or octave of Easter. All of the beautiful Resurrection narratives are read at Holy Mass during this week of Easter. How blest we are to have walked the road of Calvary with Jesus. Now we walk the path of the Risen Christ.

To the Holy Apostles, He showed them His Hands and Feet. "Touch and BELIEVE!" Jesus tell Thomas. But, blest are they who have not seen and yet believe. That is us. Share in the joy of Our Risen Savior who has conquered all sin and death for us. Rejoice and be glad. He truly is risen from the dead...

May we give praise and glory to Jesus with our time, talent and our treasures.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

1 comment:

Micki said...

I just happened onto your blog and had to pass on compliments on your "Minute Homilies." I just find it difficult to read long posts and this was right up my alley. If you ever want to use any of the holy cards on my blog, please help yourself. You might notice that I have "very little reading" also. Blessings. I will pray for Fr. Corapi. Thanks for letting us know what is happening with him.