Saturday, March 29, 2008

Morphine, Mashed Potatoes and Dandelions . . .

"Oh, Dandelions Are The Best!"

dandelion bouquet

Spring is coming on, and that got me thinking about dandelions and Mom.

Mom was very involved with the Drug Free Youth campaign. During her last three weeks battling lung cancer, however, Mom was in an incredible amount of pain and morphine became her friend.

A nurse gave her a hefty dose and was wheeling her away for another test. Mom said, "These days, morphine ranks right up there with mashed potatoes and dandelions."

Thinking she must be on a morphine high already, I said, "Mom, I get the mashed potatoes, but what's so great about dandelions?"

Mom said, "Oh, dandelions are the best! That's how you know you're loved, when your child brings you a handful of dandelions."

Mom never got many bouquets of roses in her lifetime, but she earned many bouquets of dandelions. When you get your first dandelion this spring, say a prayer for Mom, and most importantly, know that you are loved.

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