Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Devil Doesn't Take Vacations

My Dear People,

Pray, Pray, Pray!

These are the lazy, hazy, days of summer. Picnics, family vacations, and rest highlight our time. But it is not an excuse to become "lazy and hazy" in our prayer. The devil looks for any excuse to convince us that daily prayer, Sunday Mass and the Rosary, can take a vacation with us. Don't listen. We live in current times, when daily prayer and discernment are essential.

In today's Gospel, we see the contemporaries of Jesus trying to figure out just "who He really IS". Is He and ordinary man, a great prophet, an important political figure??? Oddly enough, even some Christians today are still asking the same question. Confusion and doubt are the work of the devil. We can never take a vacation from protecting ourselves from the devil's lying ways. So pray, pray and pray! Do not let your guard down. Walk and talk with Jesus all summer long...

In the spirit of service and sacrifice, may we generously use our time, talent and treasure to do the work which God has placed us here on earth to do.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,
Fr. Mark

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