Monday, May 12, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Pentecost Sunday

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute Pentecost Sunday

My Dear People,

Pentecost Sunday - Come Holy Ghost

"Kommt Hieligen Gieste... Come Holy Ghost." This is the cry of the Universal Church in our readings this weekend. Pentecost marks the birthday of the Catholic Church. "When they were all together in the upper room, suddenly there came a noise like a driving wind and tongues of fire came to rest upon each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit." Each of the people in Jerusalem, from every nation, could understand the words that the Holy Apostles spoke. Thousands were converting to the faith of the Church. Jesus promised that He would send the Paraclete, our Advocate in Heaven. The Third Person of the Holy Trinity, pleads for us when we pray in Faith.

The Apostles were told by Jesus not be worried about what to say or do. The Holy Spirit will tell you what you are to say and what you are to do. The promise Jesus made to the Holy Apostles was that He would not leave them orphaned. Jesus said that He would send the Paraclete to lead and guide them. We have been given the Holy Spirit, first at our Baptism, and then at our Confirmation. Like the Apostles, we are the benefactors of His Grace. All that we need to get to Heaven, come from the hands of the Advocate. Pray to use wisely the seven gifts of the Most Holy Spirit.

May we recognize and appreciate our different stewardship gifts and joyfully bring them together for the good of the church.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark


Marie said...

I remember when speaking to a Priest in the presense of a Nun. The Priest was insisting we come from Apes and that the Bible is a myth.

I found Scripture flowing from me and NO I dont know the Bible by heart. The Sister was stunned, the Priest was angered..and I was confounded!..I couldnt do that again if someone paid me!

Trouble is the Sister insisted I was some sort of Biblical no lol.

Peace to you John Michael:)

Marie xoxoxo

John Michael said...

I can totally relate, Marie.

I have had several similar encounters with family members. If I ever plan such conversations, they never come to be. However, God loves to put me into the ones that He plans.

Something comes to mind about He doesn't call the qualified but qualifies the called.

John Michael