Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Seventh Sunday of Easter

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute

My Dear People,

Parents Prepare The Way Home

Forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father. He told His Disciples, "Go out, teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." We have heard this passage from scripture many times. It is a sobering passage. Unlike those who do not know Christ, we are responsible for leading each other into heaven. Once baptized, the soul is sanctified and readied for the journey HOME. As baptized Christian parents, it is your duty to show your children and grandchildren, the way HOME.

"Nothing Could Be Further From The TRUTH!"

Many parents are misled by the world, into believing that it is their job to make their children productive and successful in the eyes of everyone who sees them. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Fathers, it is your primary duty to "sanctify" your household. As head of the family, your duty is to teach your children about God's mercy and justice. Mothers, it is your duty to make holy your children, and husband as well. Both father and mother must point the way to Jesus Christ. Anything less is a waste of precious time. So parents, sanctify yourselves in Christ. Make holy your children and grandchildren. In doing so, you are preparing yourselves and you offspring to receive glory at God the Father's right hand.

May we, through our generous stewardship, help to bring the teachings of Jesus to all those who need to feel GOD in their lives..

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,
Fr. Mark


Marie said...

This is so true and also it is a good idea to quietly pray for those who do not know Christ.

I did not grow up as a Christian, yet I have the feeling that someone had spent many years praying for my conversion..Which took place when I turned 30...I know this sounds funny, but it is a 'feeling' I have..and whoever that person was..THANKYOU.

I also find it rather sad that often times it is mothers who take their children to Mass while many fathers stay home. I think God sent us a good example of a living life as responsible Catholics in the Holy Family.

Excellent reflection Thankyou John Michael:).

Peace to you


John Michael said...

Great comment.

What saddens me is when the parents go and allow their children to stay home. I notice this after the students have finished the Catholic education which stops at eighth grade here. This was more true in my older parish.

I wondered if you were a convert. Is the story written or recorded yet. I would love to hear it.


paramedicgirl said...

Very valuable information there. I always tell me daughter that my main responsibility before God is to raise her in the Catholic faith, that she and I might both attain heaven. Easier said than done, especially in today's world.

John Michael said...

Hello paramedicgirl, welcome to the St. Bellarmine Blog.

"Easier said than done, especially in today's world."

Yep, those words are worth repeating.

Thanks for the comment.
