Monday, January 7, 2008

Your Sunday Catholic Homily - Epiphany

From the Desk of Father Mark,

My Dear People,

The Epiphany

"We Three Kings of the Orient are traveling afar to see the Child..." This is the cry of our Church this weekend. We bring the Christmas season to a close long after the media has packed away all of the Christmas carols. The gentile Kings journey from foreign lands to behold the Messiah. Led by a "star", they arrived at the place where Jesus lay in the manger. Before Him they opened their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Gold represents Jesus as King; Frankincense for His offering upon the Holy Cross; and Myrrh for His Royal Priesthood.

At our own Baptisms, we were also anointed, priest, prophet and king because of our "adoption" in Christ Jesus. This "epiphany" or manifestation of Christ's humanity and divinity, is a foretaste and promise of what we shall receive after our own purification. Like the Magi we journey through life by following the Star of David, Christ our Lord. We long to see Him face to face as did the Three Kings. Pray for a simple an undivided heart in the new year. Invite Jesus to walk with you as you journey on the path God has chosen for you. Cover yourself with the mantle of Our Lady, and walk in peace.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

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