Monday, August 10, 2009

"Spiritual Energy"

My Dear People,

Prayer and Service are the Keys

Ever feel like the Lord seldom hears your prayers? Elijah, the prophet, felt that way. In our first reading today, we find the prophet exhausted from prayer and service of the Lord. He falls asleep under a desert tree. While resting, an Angel of the Lord awakens him. God's messenger brings a hearth cake and a jug of water for nourishment. Elijah was too exhausted to eat. He fell asleep again. The Angels stirs Elijah after his rest. Elijah then walked for forty days and forty nights.

Then, he prayed. Strengthen by the Lord, Elijah served the Lord with all his heart. Like Elijah, we too need to be strengthened by the Lord. Prayer and service keeps us on track. When we fail to pray, we run out of "spiritual energy". Only Our Lord, can refuel the souls. Take the time to relax, pray, and refuel with the Lord. If you have not yet visited our Adoration Chapel, make time to spend time praying and praising the Lord each week.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

By sharing in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, may we find the strength and courage to make our own sacrifices to build up our church, and provide faith for the future.


Shirley said...

We have adoration every Friday, before Mass, but it is very structured. I would love to have a perpetual Adoration Chapel, where I could visit Our Lord without having all the distractions.

Easter Almuena said...

Hi John Michael,
Monday, 17th of this month is Fr. John Speekman's 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Please send him your greetings. Mahalo!

John Michael said...


I hear you. It does make a big difference.


Thanks for the heads up, I most certainly will.