Obama Administration Violate Catholics First Admendment Rights
Dear Friend in Christ,
Source: Right now we are witnessing troubling times in the Catholic Church here in America. As you know or may not be aware of, the Obama administration made a decision to proceed with their new mandate which forces all Americans (including the Catholic Church) to fund birth control, sterilization, and some abortion-inducing drugs.
What does this mean? Simply put, the Catholic faith teaches that birth control, sterilization and abortion are wrong. And in our country, the government has respected our religious beliefs in these matters…not just the beliefs of Catholics but of all religions.
With this new mandate, the government is forcing Catholic institutions to provide insurance coverage for birth control, sterilization, and some abortion-inducing drugs…this goes against our religious beliefs…it also goes against the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Here is a refresher of the 1st Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Basically, there may be differences between the laws of government and the laws of religions….but there is a respect for those differences and the government cannot force us to do something if it goes against our religious beliefs or conscience.
Our very own Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan said this recently about this mandate:
"This latest erosion of our first freedom should make all Americans pause. When the government tampers with a freedom so fundamental to the life of our nation, one shudders to think what lies ahead."
This is an assault on our religious freedom. This is not about birth control, or abortion or whether you agree or disagree on the Church’s teachings on these subjects…it is about our religious freedom and being able to follow our conscience freely.
We as Catholics cannot accept this new mandate, and we will not rest until it is overturned.
Here is how you can help:
1) Write to your local congressman or congresswoman and senators asking them to overturn this mandate. Click here to be taken to the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and click on the link to write to Congress: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/religious-liberty/conscience-protection/.
2) Speak out about this issue to other Catholics and those of other faiths about the severity of this mandate. If the government can make this mandate on the Catholic Church, imagine what they can do to our fellow brothers and sisters of other faiths.
3) Pray, fast and fight back!
Remember: this is not about the Catholic Church’s teachings on the issues mentioned above. This concerns all religions and their right to freely live out their beliefs without approval or disapproval from our government.
We are Catholics and we will be united in this fight to protect our first freedom granted to us by our U.S. Constitution.
"Have great confidence in God's goodness and mercy, and He will never abandon you; but don't neglect to embrace His holy cross because of this." (Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)
Email: info@cspya.org
Web site: www.cspya.org
Facebook: St. Patrick's Cathedral Young Adults