Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Your Tithe Supporting Abortion?

Reforming the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving , many Catholic parishes take up a second collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).

Recognize that organization? If you don’t, you should. Here’s why:

Until 2008, CCHD had been funding ACORN for several years, giving over $7 million to the corrupt organization. The same organization that is being investigated for voter fraud, embezzlement, and other wrongdoing was recently caught in undercover videos in recent months helping a pimp and prostitute set up a business and traffic underage girls for prostitution.

It doesn’t end there. CCHD has funded groups that openly oppose the Church’s teachings. To learn more and download your coupon, please visit:

Reform Catholic Campaign for Human Development Now Social Justice

Sorry for not posting... HUGE changes are coming. Stay tuned.


Friday, October 9, 2009

My Dear People,

Scandal From The Grave
Do "Catholic" Politicians Deserve a Catholic Funeral?

There is an accountability for every one of our sins; even sins confessed and absolved. Impossible for us to achieve, Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sins. Mark's Gospel reminds us that giving scandal is a very serious sin, especially public scandal. Politicians who are Catholic, and support abortion, cloning, and so called "mercy killing" of the elderly, commit grave public sin and grave public scandal. Archbishop Burke recently reminded all bishops that politicians who have given such scandal, without the benefit of "public conversion and penance" should not receive a Catholic burial; so serious is the sin.

Condoning this sin through such a public display, gives the faithful grave scandal on the part of the clergy. Sin is sin. God's forgiveness is real and needed, but we should never condone public sin directly or indirectly. It is God's Law, not man's. Pray for all of our politicians who daily give scandal to the Catholic Church by their direct support and funding of abortion, cloning and mercy killing of the elderly. We live in very dark times. This does not excuse us from being accountable to one another, no matter what our place and status is in this world.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,
Fr. Mark

Remembering that we will be judged by what we do for the least among us. May we give generously and joyfully to support all those in need.